Activities in 1987          1986  1988 


On this page you will find illustrated reports of some of our activities during 1987.  These are mainly in addition to our main meetings and shack nights.  The most recent activities are at the top of the page.

10m CW Net

Dave G3ZPR and Vernon G3BCI held a series of slow cw nets on Tuesday evenings to help those wanting to master Morse code.  At this time, it was still necessary to pass a 12-word per minute test to get an ‘A’ licence to operate on the hf bands.  There were no foundation, novice or intermediate licences in 1987.

70cm Contest

In February, a couple of members operated in the 70cm Affiliated Societies contest.  Both found condition hard going with some quite deep fading (QSB).

Dorset Life Magazine Article

We featured in the October 1987 issue of ‘Dorset Life’ magazine.  In an article entitled ‘In the shadow of Marconi’, author Elizabeth Edwards described her visit to our 10th Anniversary Exhibition at the Haven Hotel Sandbanks the previous year.

Construction Contest

At the AGM in April the construction contest was judged.

Poole Cup

Vernon G3BCI won the Poole Cup.

10th Anniversary Trophy

G1SVU won the 10th Anniversary Trophy.




1986     1988