Activities in 1997          1996  1998


On this page you will find illustrated reports of some of our activities during 1997.  These are mainly in addition to our main meetings and shack nights.  The most recent activities are at the top of the page.

Open Day

To mark our 21st Anniversary, we organised an Open Day on 13th December 1997. 


It was a great pleasure to welcome the many local amateurs who took time out to visit us.  It is always a pleasure to meet up face-to-face with the people we speak to on the air. 


We had a large display of QSL cards, books and equipment in one of the college rooms, and activity on the air in the shack. 


The picture on the left shows Vernon Cotton G3BCI, President of Poole Radio Amateur Society, cutting the cake that was baked by Graham’s mum.


Royal Signals Museum

We had an interesting visit to the Royal Signal Museum at Blandford on 12th October 1997.

Novice Contest

Entries were slightly down this year with just 12 stations submitting logs.  Several entrants from previous years had now passed their RAE and have let their Novice Call lapse. Activity was nevertheless good, with several stations making more contacts than in previous years on 70cm, and the first entry was received from the Channel Islands.  Logging standards were generally high, although some discrepancies in the reports logged were noted during the cross checking and two stations actually claimed for more QSOs than were listed on their sheets.



Winning Stations in the



















HF SSB Field Day

Over the first weekend of September, we took part in the HF SSB Field Day 24-hour contest using the clubs 40/80m trapped dipole.  We borrowed a generator for the weekend.

Practical Wireless 2m QRP Contest

On Sunday 15th June 1997, using the callsign G6MXL/P, Poole Radio Society entered the 1997 Practical Wireless 2m QRP Contest. 


We operated from Povington Hill Car Park in the Purbeck Hills, also known as Whiteways by many local radio amateurs.  It is the highest spot in the Purbecks readily accessible by road, and is one of the best VHF sites in Dorset.  There are uninterrupted views for miles.


Equipment used was a Yaesu FT736R with it’s output power turned down to just 3 Watts, feeding a 9-element Tonna Antenna through some 50ohm coax.


We made 53 QSOs in 15 squares, resulting in score of 795 points.  We were placed 41st out of 79 entries and again the highest placed station in IO80 locator square.


Annual Dinner


The Annual Dinner was held at Le Chateau in Canford Cliffs.



1996     1998