To celebrate the 10th year of Geoff’s challenges, Geoff came up with not one but two challenges and they proved to be his most challenging challenges to date.
For the first challenge Geoff was looking for something to produce enough power for a radio without using batteries. Geoff had in mind something that generates the electricity from mechanical means.
For this challenge Geoff was looking for something that could be used in the field where a suitable operating position was not available.
Although there was only one entry for each challenge, each more than met the spirit and letter of the challenge.
For the first
challenge, Dave Mason really rose to the challenge and produced a very well
thought out and executed arrangement of using a solar cell to charge some
ultra-high capacity capacitors.
Using the stored energy from earlier in the day, Dave demonstrated that he could power a small ‘Oner’ CW QRP transmitter with 12Volts.
Indeed we had heard and worked Dave the previous week from the club whilst he was using the transmitter. Dave also demonstrated that the arrangement would also provide 6 volts to power a commercial portable radio operating as his receiver.
For the second
challenge, Dave modelled the table and chair on a baby’s high-chair, scaled up
for adult use, using discarded off cuts of wood.
On it he mounted not only the solar cell and ultra-high capacity capacitors, but also the transmitter, receiver, a Morse key and a mobile whip antenna for 80m. Dave also demonstrated the chair, table and all the equipment in operation.
Whilst it was disappointing that there was only one entry in each section, everyone agreed that Dave’s entries in both sections were particularly worthy winners in every respect, fully rising to the letter and spirit of Geoff’s Challenges.
Don’t forget Geoff’s Challenge for 2009.