After the popular challenge for 2011, for year 13 of Geoff’s challenges, Geoff came up with one of his tougher challenges to date – a 20m transceiver.
Whilst entries were down in number on 2010, there was little doubt that the quality of construction more than made up for this.
Phil Ciotti G3XBZ submitted a 20m receiver using a 9MHz i.f. strip based on the Plessey SL 1600 series of I.C.s and a 5MHz phased-locked loop VFO. Everyone thought it was well built, and Phil said that he is using in his shack.
Alan Walker G4UWS had built the Walkford Electronics 20m Taunton transceiver. It has a transmit output of 1.5 Watts on the band using SSB, CW or AM. It included a digital frequency display.
Tex G1TEX produced a DSB/CW/AM transceiver, using a direct conversion receiver and an experimental transmitter that produced 50mW of r.f. He also included a broadband FET R.F. amplifier that could take the output up to 2Watts.
In addition to
the ‘serious’ entries, this year we also had a ‘comical’ entry from Bill
G4ERV, who produced something to put a smile on the face even at a distance
of 20m!
Bill’s entry looked like a small wooden jewellery box with a switch on the top. When the switch was flicked a cam rotated inside causing the lid to partially open, before closing a resetting for the next go.
After much careful consideration. Geoff decided that Alan G4UWS’s entry was the winner.