Our latest Advanced Course got underway on Friday 28th December 2012 with a record nine candidates enrolled.
Three of our
candidates, Andy Cooper M6MRZ, Martin Slater M6MZS and Stephen Morris passed
their Intermediate Exams on Friday 21st December 2012. All
three are hoping to progress to their Advanced Licence.
As the exam was so close to Christmas, it is likely that we will not hear the candidates on the air with their new 2E0 callsigns until the New Year. All three candidates were pleased to pass, and were relieved that they don’t need to spend Christmas revising. Instead they are getting ready to embark on the Advanced Course.
Congratulations to the candidates, and many thanks to the tutors.
Latest Issue of G4PRS News
The November / December issue of PRS News has been published. It includes articles on experiment with antenna wires on a half-wave loop antenna, reports on JOTA 2012 and on recent talks by Charles Riley G4JQX, at our October meeting and Phil Ciotti G3XBZ, at our November meeting, and part two of 30 years of Amateur Radio by one of our members.
The issue is the last one that Dave G3ZPR is editing as he is standing down from the position of Editor after 10 years. Thanks to Dave for all his hard work on the Newsletter.
New Newsletter Editor
Eddy Cobb M0GUH, has taken over the role of Editor of G4PRS News. He is keen to receive articles from members for the first issue under his editorship.
Dave Buckley G0EQV, passed away in October 2012 in Spain where he had lived for a number of years since retiring about 10 years previously.
He suffered a mild stroke in 2011 and died in his sleep from a heart attack. His funeral took place in Spain in late October. Some of his ashes have been scattered on Canford Heath.
Dave was a member of the club in the mid-1980s. Before joining the club he was in the forces and could always be relied to tell a cracking good yarn of his time in the Far East and Aden amongst other places.
On Saturday 20th October 2012, Poole Radio Society facilitated the
J.O.T.A. station for the Canford Heath Scouts using the special event callsign
We set up four stations to show different aspects of Amateur Radio and a number of antennas were erected just outside of the Scout clubroom including a dipole, Sean 2E0CMT’s Spider Beam, 2 x 20m Verticals and a 2 Metre Moxon supplied by Roy 2E0RLL.
A lot of different modes were used including PSK31 & RTTY, SSB and some Morse. Tex G1TEX had a display running using a SDR Receiver that worked well.
In addition there were JOTA stations from all over the world using Echolink so contacts were no problem. Even after we had left, the Scouts continued to make contacts using Echolink under the supervision of their leader Geoff M0CGT well into the evening! We are already looking forward to next year’s J.O.T.A.
On Sunday 1st September, Andy Cooper M6MRZ, and
Martin Slater M6MZS, joined Colin Redwood G6MXL at Povington Hill to give a few
points away in the RSGB 2m Trophy Contest. We concentrated on working
long distances rather than numbers of stations. Running just 5 Watts into
a 9-element Yagi, we managed to work stations in England, France,
Spain, and Scotland. Best DX at 876km was ED1R about 40km inland from the
north coast of Spain. Andy and Martin were interested to hear how
stations could become stronger as the Yagi antenna was rotated, and just how
far low power 2m signals could get from a good site with good propagation.
Our latest intermediate course got under way at the end of August 2012 with 5 candidates enrolled.
Both candidates had self-studied with Poole Radio Society tutors providing support as requested and assessing the practical parts of the syllabus.
Andy has already got his new call sign M6MRZ, been on the air and signed up for the Intermediate Course.
Several members attended our ‘Day in the Park’ at Hamworthy Park on Sunday 19th August 2012.
Alan G4UWS used one of his kite supported antennas to great effect.
Poole Radio Society had a stand at Hamfest on Sunday 12th August 2012. All sorts of highly desirable surplus equipment were available for purchase from the PRS stand. As usual on these occasions, it was good to meet up with old friends from far and wide
Geoff’s new construction challenge for 2013 is to build a piece of test equipment. Entries for will be judged at the meeting on Friday 10th May 2013. Click here for more details.
members attended the QRP in the Country event on Sunday 15th July
2012, hosted by Tim Walford G3PCJ of Walford Electronics. Along with
other local clubs, Poole Radio Society had a table to exhibit various projects
that members had built.
The event was a thoroughly enjoyable, providing an opportunity to see home construction projects old and new. Some equipment was of historic interest, using valves dating back to the 1920s, whilst some was very much up-to-date including SDR equipment.
The equipment on the Poole Radio Society included entries from Geoff’s Challenge over recent years, and some projects that are still under development. In addition Bill G4ERV brought along a magnetic loop and Tex G1TEX used the opportunity to check it out using his antenna analyser.
Beside the radios, there was an opportunity to sample the local beer and cider, and to enjoy the BBQ food as well as teas and coffees. The very wet summer meant that the event was held in an open-sided barn.
QRP in the Country is probably unique in the radio calendar. An opportunity to see, talk and discuss QRP. Apart from a couple of QRP black-boxes, just about everything to be seen was home constructed. In addition it was a great opportunity to meet up with other clubs and compare notes on training techniques. The low-key organisation was particularly welcome – just the minimum needed to make the event successful. Let’s hope that Tim decides to make this an annual event!
For the
first time, Poole Radio Society participated in the low power section of VHF
National Field Day over the weekend of 7th & 8th July
2012. We were active on 2m, 70cm and 23cm from a site in Corfe
Mullen. It rained for most of the contest, but it didn’t put our hardy
members off from having a great time.
The week before the contest Roy 2E0RLL and Eddy M0GUH cut back the brambles and weeds so that we could gain access to the site. On Saturday Alan G8BLW, Sean 2E0CMT and Mike G6ASU erected the antennas, whilst other erect the club’s gazebo and got the generator running. Colin G0JII did the bulk of the operating on the Saturday on 2m, whilst Alan G8BLW operated on 70cm and 23cm.
Mid-morning on the Sunday, Bill G4ERV and Sue M0SUZ returned, and produced a warm fry-up for everyone on site, which was particularly welcomed by the brave few who stayed on site overnight! Although radio conditions were not very good, we managed an average distance of 222km per QSO, and our best DX was GI1CET/P at a distance of 513km.
On 144MHz we came 5th in the Low Power Section, on 432MHZ we came 8th in the Low Power Section, whilst on 1296MHz we came 5th. Many thanks to Alan G8BLW for spurring the club into participating!
The BBQ held on Friday 6th July 2012 was well supported by members.
Thanks also to Alan G4UWS and other members and partners for helping to erect the gazebo, providing additional food, cooking equipment and additional food and a splendid non-alcoholic punch provided by Cherry.
The main meal was followed by a choice of deserts. It generally agreed that we were really spoilt!
The damp weather meant that we tended to move inside the hall to eat and chat. Nevertheless the event was an outstanding success and we all able to enjoy the food and company!
Thanks to Sue and Bill for organising it and providing much of the food.
Seven candidates
sat the Foundation Exam on Friday 1st June 2012.
Six candidates passed. They are (left to right) Derek Sewell. Stephen Bishton, Pagan Bishop, Leo Bishop, Henry Bishop and Martin Slater (now M6MZS).
We will be doing everything we can to help our unsuccessful candidate succeed next time.
Amongst our successful candidates were three from the same family: mother, father and son.
Congratulations to the successful candidates, who we look forward to working on the air. Thanks also to the tutors and invigilators.
Four candidates took their Advanced Exam with us on Thursday 31st May 2012, with two candidates passing. Congratulations to Sue Combes, M0SUZ and Alan Hocking M0HOC. Alan travelled from Warminster to sit the exam with us. We look forward to working Sue and Alan on the air using their new callsigns. Thanks again to the tutors and invigilators and the team at RSGB HQ for processing the papers so quickly.
Entries for this year’s Geoff’s Challenges were judged at the meeting on Friday 13th May 2012. Click here to see the entries
Following the AGM on Friday 13th April, members are reminded that subscriptions are now due. Subscriptions (£20 per annum) should be sent to Sue Coombes, M0SUZ.
Five candidates took their Advanced Exam with us on Saturday 3rd March, three of whom passed. We understand that the results have already been processed by Ofcom, so successful candidates will be able to apply for their new callsigns straight away. We will be re-doubling our efforts to help our unsuccessful candidates pass.
enjoyed our annual lunch on Sunday 19th February 2012 at the
Britannia pub in Lower Parkstone.
There was a good turnout, with many members and their families attending.
The food was even better than last year, and the new carvery arrangement for the main course was found to be really successful.
It was particularly pleasing to welcome our landlord Peter, and his wife Cherry.
Discussions over lunch ranged far and wide, from holidays, families and pets to bee-keeping! Thanks again to Dave G3ZPR for making the arrangements.
Members of Poole Radio Society were saddened to hear the news of the death of Tony Emery G3YWG. Many years ago, Tony was a member of the club, and more recently gave us an excellent talk on making printed circuit boards.
As a service to paid-up members only, Poole Radio Society now has a library of amateur radio books for members to borrow. Eddy Cobb is the librarian, and he will be pleased to receive requests to borrow books, and to receive donations of additional books. Click here to see the current list of books.