2013 was the
centenary of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB).
Poole Radio Society activated a special station G100RSGB in April, as the callsign toured the country.
Some members attended a special day at Bletchley Park to mark the centenary. In addition several members attempted to gain the special Centenary Awards offered by the RSGB to make their centenary.
Seven candidates
sit the Foundation Exam on Friday 6th December 2013. We are pleased to
report that they all passed. Most of them moved on to join our
intermediate course that started on 3rd January 2014.
Towards the end of our meeting on Friday 22nd November 2013 we went outside to hear the downlink data stream from the Funcube-1 (AO73) satellite, which had been launched only the previous day.
A couple of our members ran a Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) station for the Scouts on Saturday 19th October 2013.
On Sunday 6th October 2013 we ran another Day in the Park from Hamworthy Park.
Using the same location as in August, Alan Walker G4UWS set up a station. For his antenna Alan again used a quarter-wave on 40m with a number of radials with Elecraft transceiver fed from a large gel-cell battery.
Several other
members came along to support the event, including Sue Coombes M0SUZ, Bill
Coombes G4ERV, and Phil Mayer who operated 2m FM for a while.
Propagation wasn’t very good, with operation mainly on the 17m and 15m bands.
As usual the park café provided a convenient source of refreshments. Several members of the public stopped by to find out what we were up to.
The weather was again excellent with glorious sunshine for most of the event.
On Sunday 18th August 2013 Alan Walker G4UWS and Colin Redwood G6MXL set up two stations in Hamworthy Park close to the beach.
For his antenna Alan used a quarter-wave on 40m with a number of radials with Elecraft transceiver fed from a large gel-cell battery.
Colin brought along
a 10/15/20m trapped dipole which he installed in an inverted V arrangement over
a park bench with a Yaesu FT817 QRP transceiver.
Good SSB, PSK31 and SSTV signals were received on several h.f. bands.
It was the International Lighthouse weekend. Whilst many of the stations were really strong, they were attracting pile-ups of QRO stations, which meant that the 2.5Watts from the FT817 was a little too weak to make many QSOs. Nevertheless some SSB and PSK31 20m QSOs were made.
In addition Eric Mitchell M0HEH conducted some experiments with his radio-controlled model equipment.
Throughout the day there was steady stream of enquiries from the public. Fortunately Alan had a stock of club leaflets to hand out to those showing more than a passing interest. Overall it was an excellent day. The location is really very good, with a very low level of electrical noise, close to the water and with toilet facilities and a café just a couple of minutes away. The weather was excellent, dry, mainly sunny and never too hot or cold.
Poole Radio Society had a stand at Hamfest on Sunday 11th August 20132. All sorts of highly desirable surplus equipment were available for purchase from the well-supported PRS stand.
As usual on these occasions, it was good to meet up with old friends from far and wide. After an early rain shower, the weather turned out well. Thanks to all members who provided items for sale, transportation and who came along to help man the stand.
With the weather remaining good for much of July, we decided to have a second barbeque.
This time it took place during one of our Friday evening meetings.
Many thanks, yet again, to Sue M0SUZ and Bill G4ERV for looking after the food which was as always really excellent.
Several members
supported the club stand at Tim Walford’s ‘Amateur Radio in the Country’ on
Sunday 21st July. The weather was warm and sunny. We were glad to
have been allocated a place in the barn to keep a little cooler.
The field outside was in use this year – the weather in the last two years had rules this out. As well as an opportunity to socialise with other amateurs, many members came away with all sorts of bargains.
Those who are members of the G-QRP club who signed in at their stand could even claim a free gift! As usual the food was excellent with the burgers all produced from local farms.
The picture shows some Poole Radio society members discussing some of Tim Walford’s very popular kits with Tim himself.
The August 2013 issue of Practical Wireless features Poole Radio Society in the ‘In Focus’ feature. Amongst a wonderful write-up of our activities over recent years, it contains some previously unseen photos of our involvement in making the Channel 4 series Titanic: The Mission in 2010.
Over the weekend of Saturday 6th July / Sunday 7th July 2013 we took part in the RSGB National Fields Day (VHF NFD) from a site in Corfe Mullen. We were QRV on 50MHz (6m) Saturday, 70MHz (4m) on Sunday, 144MHz (2m) on both days and 432MHz (70cm) on both days. Overall we came 8th in the Mix and Match Section.
The club BBQ also took place on the Saturday evening.
It was the first
time that the club has entered a 50MHz station in a contest. We were
running 50Watts into a 5-element yagi at about 15 feet above
We were pleased with the 41 QSOs we made with an average distance of over 200km. Best DX on 6m was GI4GTY/P at 478km. Countries worked included England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Eire.
The RSGB Centenary station G100RSGB, was worked on the band. Colin G0JII is seen on the right making one of the QSOs. We came 23rd in the restricted section of the contest.
On the Sunday
morning, following a swift change of antenna to remove the 50MHz and replace
with the 70MHz antenna on the same mast we were ready for the start of the 70MHz
On 70MHz we were running just 8Watts into a 5-element Yagi at about 15 feet about ground.
We made 26 QSOs with England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Eire, Guernsey and Jersey with an average distance of 230km.
Best DX on 4m was GM6MD/P at 521km. G100RSGB was also worked on the band. Colin G6MXL is seen on the right. We came 20th in the restricted section of the contest.
On 144MHz, we were
running 25watts into a 10-element Yagi at about 20 feet about ground.
We made 52 QSO into 8 countries, including Switzerland (HB9).
Alan Stepney G8BLW is seen on the right having a quick break between contacts.
We were very pleased to come 8th in the low power section of the contest.
432MHz, we were also
running 25watts into a 15-element Yagi (minus half the front element) at about
20 feet about ground
Andy is seen on the right listening for one of the stations worked during the contest.
We made 11 QSOs.
We came 8th in the low power section of the contest.
The BBQ on the
Saturday evening was the first time that we had combined it with a portable
contest for very many years.
The weather encouraged a good turnout.
Thanks to Sue and Bill for organising the BBQ, and also for cooking breakfast on the Sunday morning.
Many thanks to everyone who supported the contest in so many different ways supplying, transporting and erecting tents and antennas and equipment and for dismantling and taking all back after the event. Without this help the weekend could not have been such a great success!
Three of our members attended the RSGB Centenary Celebrations at Bletchley Park on Friday 5th July 2013.
We are pleased to congratulation to the five candidates that pass the Advanced Exam on Monday 1st July 2013. They are David Hay M0TGC, Derek Sewell M0CWS, Andy Cooper M0VXK, Martin Slater M0PGT and Ian Millman M0IHM.
8 Members came along
to support G4PRS/P when we took part in the Practical Wireless 144MHz QRP
Contest from Povington Hill in the Purbeck Hills on Sunday 9th June
We made 68 contacts in 18 IARU locator squares using a Yaesu FT817 and a 10-element Yagi antenna mounted on the club’s pump-up mast.
We are pleased to report that we came 24th in the contest out 79 entries.
Entries for this year’s Geoff’s Challenges were judged at the meeting on Friday 14th May 2013. Click here to read about the entries.
At the
AGM on Friday 12th April 2013, Phil Ciotti G3XBZ (right-hand picture) stood
down as Chairman after two very successful years.
Alan Walker G4UWS has taken on the job (left-hand picture).
Many thanks to Phil for his guidance over the last two years, and our best wishes to Alan.
As part of the Radio Society of Great Britain’s Centenary celebrations, Poole Radio Society operated G100RSGB on Tuesday and Wednesday the 2nd and 3rd April 2013. It was a great chance to get on the air and operate on many different bands and modes.
We had as many as four Stations operational over the two days. 491 contacts with 42 DXCC entities were made using CW, SSB, FM, PSK31, PSK125 and RTTY on the 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m and 10m hf bands and the 6m, 2m and 70cm vhf/uhf bands. The table below shows the number of contacts by band and mode.
Band |
CW |
PSK31 |
PSK125 |
FM |
40m / 7MHz |
39 |
43 |
1 |
202 |
285 |
30m / 10MHz |
2 |
5 |
7 |
20m / 14MHz |
48 |
71 |
10 |
129 |
17m / 18MHz |
32 |
3 |
35 |
15m / 21MHz |
5 |
1 |
6 |
10m / 28MHz |
1 |
1 |
6m / 50MHz |
5 |
5 |
2m / 144MHz |
4 |
16 |
20 |
70cm / 430MHz |
3 |
3 |
124 |
2 |
119 |
1 |
226 |
19 |
491 |
The log has been uploaded to the RSGB Centenary Station on-line log and QSL request system. If you worked G100RSGB whilst it was being operated by Poole Radio Society you will have gained points towards the RSGB’s Centenary Award. Contacts count as Country G, RSGB Region 11, IOTA EU-005, ITU Zone 27 and IO90 Square. Our Worked All Britain (WAB) is SZ09.
Click here to see our G100RSGB Photo Album
It was announced that Poole Radio Society was the Region 11 winner of the RSGB Club of the Year for 2012.
David Hay passed his Foundation exam with us on Friday 1st March 2013. David had self-studied, travelling from his home in Lyme Regis to do the practical aspects of the course and sit the exam.
Immediately after the exam, David started to work through some of the practical elements of the Intermediate course and on Friday 22nd March passed his Intermediate exam with us. He immediately joined in the Advanced Course training already underway.
We are looking forward to working David on the air as soon as he gets his 2E0 call sign. Thanks as ever to our invigilators and assessors for both exams.
We enjoyed our
annual lunch on Sunday 19th February 2012 at the Britannia pub in Lower
Parkstone. There was a good turnout, with many members and their families
The food was even better than last year, and the carvery arrangement for the main course was again much appreciated. Thanks again to Dave G3ZPR for making the arrangements.
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Peter Creteau M1FBQ.
Peter had been a member of Poole Radio Society for many years, and a keen supporter of club activities, including our exhibition station at the Oakdale Community Centre Fete in June 2007.
On this occasion the club’s gazebo tent was not enough to protect us from the rain, and Peter devised an excellent solution by using an umbrella inside the gazebo to keep the transmitter dry!